CAPES PRINT BIOTECNOLOGIA Desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para a inovação em educação e otimização de processos e produtos das indústrias de software e biotecnologia


The main goal of this project is the development of new technologies for innovation in education and optimization of processes and products of the software and biotechnology industries. We intend to obtain scientific results relevant to Mathematics and Computer Science, with emphasis on the efficient resolution of problems in the areas of biotechnology and networks. Such problems involve complex and challenging questions about domination and coloring in graphs, comparative genomics, and computational complexity. In addition, we intend to: (i) consolidate the research network among the institutions involved and promote their expansion through strategies that attract new institutions specialized in technological innovation of processes and products in education and optimization of systems in biotechnology. This increase of institutions and consequent collaboration will enable the expansion of the research network between the Brazilian, French and German PPGs in order to further increase the quality of publications, theses and dissertations; (ii) provide continuation of actions such as Combinatorial Seminars, MDA Workshop, and disciplines (such as the Biomathematics discipline in the PPG-Mathematics program taught by Professor Jens Stoye jointly with professor Simone Dantas in 2015), that promote internationalization in the PPGs involved in the project. Such actions are already being implemented and can be observed on the website developed with resources of the Brazilian support agencies (, under the coordination of prof. Simone Dantas together with the researcher Telma Pará. This website was developed aiming at promoting internationalization actions with French and Belgian institutions and, in the future, with the support of this project, we intend to extend it to collaborate with german institutions that support this project . The Combinatory Seminars that are in the Actions section of the site already contemplate the participation of these professors from France and Germany. In addition, resources from the project will promote: the mobility of researchers for sandwich doctoral and postdoctoral schollarships in Brazil and abroad; the internationalization of PPGs through the creation of disciplines and mini-courses given in conjunction with professors from foreign institutions. And finally bring other sources of funds from CAPES and other research funding agencies to integrate these actions.

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